I am a dedicated teacher who is not afraid to put extra hours into extracurricular activities, projects and outside school activities. Here is a list of some of the activities/contributions I have undertaken since 2000.

Special attention should be drawn to the Mt-Kinabalu trip I’ve organized in Malaysia, the solar eclipse trip at the Lybian border, the winning of the electric Go-Kart building competition in Cairo, Egypt and the Mathematics Competition I attended several times with my students in India.

Most recently, I began a used vegetable oil recycling project where cooking oils are converted into biodiesel in a 25 hour integrated physics-chemistry-biology-environment project. I also began an integrated photography contest where chemistry and physics skills are combined into building a functional camera.


You can click on a thumbnail to see a bigger picture or read more about the project.
Permissions were granted by students to have pictures posted online

Projects &
Construction of a photobioreactor 2018
in progress
Extracurricular activity: contruction of a photobioreactor to grow the microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris.
''Science on Tourne'' provincial competition 2018 Annual engineering competition.
This year's location: Granby
''Science on Tourne'' provincial competition 2017 Annual engineering competition.
This year's location: Quebec city
Creation on an Honours Science Degree at
Collégial international Sainte-Anne
2016 I initiated an Honours Science Degree to motivate high achieving students. This programme took one year to develop and began in August 2016. 
  ''Science on Tourne'' provincial competition 2016

Annual engineering competition.
This year's location:

Science sticker art contest 2015 I created a small contest, so the science department could have a science sticker. Student who designed the sticker is Sarah Basali.
Compost project at Collégial international Sainte-Anne 2015 With the help of the student life advisor, we began a compost project where all cafeteria food is now composted with hope to grow fine herbs as a fundraising activity.
''Science on Tourne'' provincial competition 2015 First participation of my students at this provincial competition.
Construction of an automated biodiesel machine 2015 As an extracurricular activity, some of my physics students built an automated biodiesel machine that can produce several liters of clean biodiesel everyday.
Solar Panel project SINCE
In my electricity & magnetism course, students have the chance to study parameters affecting the power output of a real 100W commercial solar panel and apply several concepts into a
10 hour integrated project.
Visit of Rothsay Biodiesel company SINCE
After our 25 hour integrated project on biodiesel, students have the chance to visit the largest biodiesel production company in Québec.
Photography contest

This 10 hour long project takes place during the Waves & Modern physics course. Student have the opportunity to build a camera, take pictures and develop negatives (and pictures).

Used vegetable oil recycling program SINCE

Initiator of a used vegetable oil recycling program at our college and throughout our local community.  Used oils are used in our biodiesel project.

From oil to
biodiesel project


A 25 hour integrated project that I started at my college where chemistry, biology and physics are all integrated.  I am working in collaboration with other teachers from the science department to coordinate this project.

Organizer of the
Science Fair at
Colegio Americano de Torreon, Mexico
March 2011 With the help of three other science teachers, we organized the science festival at Colegio Americano de Torreon where 1400 students were involved in a full day of activities.
See movie HERE
Guest Speaker to graduation ceremony
June 2010
June 2011
Elected two consecutive years in a row by the student body (185+ graduates) to be the only teacher and guest speaker addressing graduates on graduation night.
Visit of the fossil fuel
Power Plant
Torreon, Mexico
2010-2011 For my Physics 12 course, I brought my 92 students to the fossil fuel plant to study energy transfers and electricity production.
Roller Coaster project with Physics 12 students December 2009 The rube Golberg Machine is a project inspired by the website www.rubegolberg.com where a multi-step machine has to accomplish a simple task. Excellent for applying physics concepts and energy transfers learned in class!
  Senior Adviser to graduates students 2009-2011 My role was to help graduate students plan and organize fundraising activities for their jacket, ring, yearbook and graduation ceremony.
Visit of the fossil fuel
Power Plant, St.Maarteen
March 2009 For my Physics 11 course, I brought my students to the Diesel fossil fuel plant to study energy transfers and electricity production.
November 2008

For a third time in less than 10 years, I was the organizer, team trainer and trip leader of the 3rd Mathematics Convention in Lucknow, India with the best 12 students of the Carribbean International Academy.

We visited India for 12 days.

Marine Research Team (MRT)

Coordinator of this fantastic extra-curricular activity. A marine club where we snorkel, dive and learn about marine life every week!

Teacher adviser to the CIA student council, St-Maarten
Pep Rally, Halloween party, Christmas assembly, theme days and more!
We met weekly with the objective to increase school spirit.
June 2007
An improved project and a better car
compare to last year.
We won the best electric car in Cairo on World Environmental Day ( June 2nd 2007).
Many pictures available.
See movie HERE
March 2007
For my Physics course, I brought my students to the biggest Wind Energy Farm in Africa & the Middle East.
December 2006

Organizer, team trainer and trip leader of the 2nd Mathematics Convention in Lucknow, India with the best students of the Canadian International School of Egypt. We visited India during 14 days.

June 2006
With the help of the Wadi Environmental Science Center in Cairo, my physics 12 students built an electric Go-Kart and won 3rd position in a competition in Cairo.
Many pictures available.
See movie HERE
CISE science fair
(play movie)
May 2006
My wife and I organized a science festival at the Canadian School and parents were invited to see their child learning science in action.
See movie.
March 2006

A life time experience! My wife and I organized a trip and brought 20 students to the Lybian border to see a total solar eclipse.
See pictures
See movie HERE

Field trip to Dreamland amusement park.
October 2006
Part of the Physics curriculum, students had to measure, calculate and then build their own roller-coaster.
Teacher adviser to the CISE student council, Egypt.
August 2003 to July 2005
Jail day, rent your teacher day, teachers vs. students soccer game, bake sale, danse, sleep over, Valentine's flowers and many other activities were coordinated and supervised by me.
Painting student council room
Oct. 2005
Let's make this room our own!.
Being the teacher adviser to the student council for 2 years, we finally got a room!
Organiser & coordinator of Mokattam (garbage city) visits, Egypt.
Nov. 2004
Feb. 2005
Helping students to complete their 40 hours of community service required by the Ministry of Education of Ontario. School coordinator to the Mokattam district of Cairo where our school students brought food, music and academic support to poor kids.
(living on less than 0.50$US a day)
Regular heart dissection with biology students.
Every year!
Part of the circulatory system chapter, my students dissect a cow heart every year.
Coordinator of soccer games teachers vs. students, Trinidad.
Coordinator of various activities between teachers and students (hikes, soccer games, basketball games, etc)
Webmaster & Webdesigner of school webpage, Trinidad.
Sept. 2002 to July 2004
For two years, I was the initial designer and photographer for the school webpage (which didn't exist before). With some grade 12 students, we maintained the website active for 2 years. The official design and all my photographs are still available at:
Guest speeker at Career day, Trinidad
March 2003
Spoke to 350 students on the
first career day at Maple Leaf International School, Trinidad.
April 2002
For 3 months, I've trained & prepared students for the trip of their lifes: climbing the highest mountain in Sout-East Asia.
Many pictures available.
Rube Goldberg Machine project with Physics students.
Every year!
The rube Goldberg Machine is a project inspired by the website www.rubegolberg.com where a multi-step machine has to accomplish a simple task. Excellent for energy transfers and applying physics concepts learned in class!
Canopy walk with Biology grade 13 (OAC) students, Malaysia.
Feb. 2002
Oct. 2001
Every semester, I would bring my students to one of the best canopy walk in the world to study and see plants in actions.
Coordinator of Valentine's day organized by student council, Malaysia.
Feb. 2002
Flowers, cards & love letters all sold and distributed by the student council in Malaysia.
Planner of a Paint Ball day with grade 13 students, Malaysia.
April 2001
Paint ball day with students!
In charge of the American Football club, Malaysia.
Every Wednesday after school, the American Football club would play a one hour game against other students on the campus. Touch football only.

Coordinator and leader of the trekking club, Malaysia.


Every second weekend, trips to various mountains in Malaysia were climbed. Camping, hiking, trekking, beach trips, etc.
We did all of them!
Click here to see a movie.
Click here to see old website of club

Repsonsible of the student Archery club, Malaysia.
Every Saturday, students & teachers would get together.

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