Who went on the trip? / T-Shirt expedition / Group picture

Mt. Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia

4095 meters

Mars 29th to April 6th 2002

Many people helped make this trip possible. For starters, a trip isn't a trip unless there are people who want to go on it, so our biggest thanks go out to all those who signed up and stayed on with us from start to finish: Adrina, Amos, Amy, Archana, Bang Qin, Desmond, Fariza, Giana, Huikie, Nazrul, Quin Jean, Weng Yew, Ms Wilson, Mr Moravec, Ms Sutton, Mr Palmer and Ms Mullen. We also had another Canadian addition to our team on this trip, and that was Ms Mullen's good friend, Ms Sarah Rann, who flew in from Cambridge, Ontario to do this trip with us. Many of the pictures you see on this cd-rom were taken by Sarah.

Summitting any mountain is no easy task. One wonders why people even do it. The answer to that question is as individual as each and every member of the CIMP Trekking Club. And for that, we also thank all those in the club who have made every trip this past semester successful and memorable. Our only regret was that every member of the CIMP Trekking Club wasn't able to come on the Mount Kinabalu trip.

Not to be left out are those who support our club from the shadows. CIMP Director Mr Boucher said to me on the morning that we were to leave that he wished that he and his wife could have joined us. Mr Roslee, our program's Coordinator, commented that every time the club set out to do something, we kept setting the bar higher and higher and that's what has made CIMP what it is. For that our deepest thanks go to Mr Boucher and Mr Roslee for only seeing what laid ahead of us, and never doubting that this trip was not possible. To all the parents: a HUGE thank you for not just willingly trusting us with your kids, but also trusting your own children that they will seek to become their own individual selves by seeing, by doing, and by learning.

CIMP Trekking leads the way!!!

Warmest regards,
Mr Ian Wikarski & Mr Don Mah
CIMP Trekking Club 2002

PS. Thanks also to those companies and people in Sabah who helped make this trip an eventful one: Cecila Poon at Borneo Wildlife Adventure Sdn Bhd for handling all our transport needs, the Mandarin Hotel in downtown Kota Kinabalu for letting us take those much needed final day showers, Stanley Chan at Borneo Seasports Sdn Bhd for allowing us to use his fishing boat as a diving platform, and Tam at Riverbug Whitewater Adventure Sdn Bhd for making sure we all body-surfed and rafted our way safely through the Padas River rapids.

Who went on the trip? / T-Shirt expedition / Group picture