Here's who went on the Mount Kinabalu trip:

The Students:

Famous Last Words
Amos Ho King Yew
After shouldering an 8-person tent to the top of Gunung Irau in inclement weather, and then saving the camp from a sure-fire stove explosion, Amos is a front runner for the "Trekker of the Year" award. He also summitted Kinabalu twice.

"Roger, copy that, Amos out."


Amy Gan Ee Leng
Amy is the club's ambassador. She speaks English, Chinese, Malay and even a little bit of Japanese. Twice, however, did she add some white hairs to our leaders' heads when she thought she lost her plane ticket and then her passport.

"Serious??? Where's my passport?"
Archana Menon
The club looks to Archana for many things, especially transport in that cool CRV of hers. Archana hiked almost every mountain with us, and is probably one of the lightest packers that we know.
"Oh, thanks, I'm going shopping now."
Desmond Tan Yit Ho
Desmond summitted Kinabalu twice, was the last to leave Gunting Lagadan for the bottom on day 3, yet he was the first to arrive at the Timpohon Gate by passing absolutely everyone on the trail. Desmond then slept for the next 24 hours. What a mad-man!
"Desmond's not cute, Desmond's nineteen!"

Er Huikie
Huikie is a pure adventurer but doesn't like cold temperatures. Not only did she try para-sailing on Manukan but she also took a solo tour of the neighboring villages and islands off Kota Kinabalu.

"I'm so cold!"
Giana Aleah Zulkafli Binti Zulkafli
Giana is another new member to the club, but at the rate she's going it looks like trekking is in her blood now. Keep at it, Giana!
"When are we going to the beach?"
Liza Adrina Osman
Adrina is a new member to the club but she braved some very serious climbs with us, including the nightime madness of Gunung Nuang. After summitting Kinabalu the first person she called was her mom and, well, I'm getting tears in my eyes just thinking about it. Well done, Adrina.
Nazrul Safnizah Bt Abdul Raman
"Everybody says that Nazrul rocks, cuz she hiked up Kinabalu in her socks." That's the saying in Trekking Club quarters. Nazrul joined us on almost every hike this semester, and her non-stop laughter is a wonderful addition on trips. Nazrul is also a fiercely devoted banana-boater.
"Stop it. That's not funny!"
Ng Weng Yew
Little do people realize that Weng Yew was on many hikes this semester. He's one of the few who have done the infamous Nuang twice, though after his last experience on Ledang we're not so sure if he will ever return there.
Norfariza Jaffar
Fariza is a club veteran, having been a part of the club last semester. She has the honor of being the only returning member who was on the Pangkor trip where Mr Aldwinckle and Mr Mah crashed a moto-scooter.
Teng Bang Qin
Bang Qin was a baker in another life. At both Ledang and Kinabalu he actually baked cakes near the summit, and the second time he even put chocolate icing on one of them. Bang Qin's long term goals include getting the perfect tan, becoming a cowboy and moving to Colorado.
"Mr Mah, how do you like my hair?"
Yap Quin Jean
Quin Jean is a new member to the club as well, and also the only female student this semester to summit Gunung Nuang, the very mountain that took many of us three tries before reaching the top. Even Mr Tan Meng Chwen has not summitted Nuang (sorry we had to publish that Mr Tan, but there are no secrets in this club).

The Teachers:

Famous Last Words

Mr Don Mah
Mr Mah thinks the Trekking Club is really an extension of basic military training. He's usually found barking orders or upsetting Ms Sutton with the classic line "only 20 more minutes of walking, everyone."

"CIMP Trekking leads the way!!!"
Mr Peter Moravec
Though he resembled a human popsicle at the summit of Kinabalu, Mr Moravec joined us on this trek after passing on all our previous hikes because we couldn't find a tent to accommodate his 6 foot 5 inch frame. He loved Kinabalu however.
Ms Bernadette Mullen
Ms Mullen loves the Trekking Club, and she's a key player when it comes to singing motivational mountain songs. Another one of our dual-purpose climbers (she rock climbs as well), Ms Mullen wants to take the club international next semester.
Mr Jacob Palmer
When not sticking foreign objects into his nose, Mr Palmer can usually be found making everyone laugh in other ways. His unique sense of humor is why we love him so much. He also looks pretty cool in a bandana. (place mouse pointer over picture for another look at Mr Palmer)
"Say, you think I can fit that in my nose?"
Ms Sarah Rann
Sarah flew halfway around the world to join us on the Kinabalu excursion. An avid photographer and traveler, Sarah jetted off to Thailand after climbing Mt Kinabalu.
Ms Jen Sutton
Ms Sutton is a veteran of the Ledang and Klang Gates treks, and realized that, after two climbs with us, she likes the idea of summitting but doesn't really relish the notion of walking six hours to do so.
"Okay, this isn't any fun!"

Mr Ian Wikarski
"Wik" has climbed pretty much everything in sight. He's been the front-guy on all treks and a key player in the planning stages of a lot of our hikes. Also, we like to keep him around because he just has that rugged mountain look about him.

"Only wimps stay at Laban Rata!"

Ms Cynthia Wilson
Ms Wilson trained hard for the Kinabalu trek by doing Ledang and Klang Gates, and treadmilling at the gym. She was probably also the warmest person on Kinabalu in that cozy orange sweather, rainbow colored tuque, and North Face down jacket. We're so jealous.

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