

File Name :DSCN1015.JPG

File Size :375.5KB(384498Bytes)

Date Taken :2002/05/02 16:25:27

Image Size :2048 x 1536

Resolution :300 x 300 dpi

Number of Bits :8bit/channel

Protection Attribute :Off

Hide Attribute :Off

Camera ID :N/A

Camera :E885

Quality Mode :BASIC

Metering Mode :Matrix

Exposure Mode :Programmed Auto

Speed Light :No

Focal Length :10.1 mm

Shutter Speed :1/192.1second

Aperture :F3.1

Exposure Compensation :0 EV

White Balance :Auto

Lens :Built-in

Flash Sync Mode :N/A

Exposure Difference :N/A

Flexible Program :N/A

Sensitivity :Auto

Sharpening :Auto

Image Type :Color

Color Mode :N/A

Hue Adjustment :N/A

Saturation Control :Normal

Tone Compensation :Auto

Latitude(GPS) :N/A

Longitude(GPS) :N/A

Altitude(GPS) :N/A

Created with Web Album Generator