Biodiesel Project


Sample of documents:

Official student document

Example of theory before a laboratory on combustion


This project (in partnership with CÉGEP de Sherbrooke) has been initiated in 2012. Over the years, this project has grown into a massive integrated, collaborative, pluridisciplinary project.  
This Chemistry – Biology – Physics – Environmental sciences project includes no less than 20 hours of laboratory work. 

Students are given the opportunity to inoculate and grow the algae Vulgaris under sterile conditions and measure growth to spectrophometry measurements.  With the usage of a bioluminescence microscope, students can observe the oil content of algae cells.  Oil is extracted by the use of a centrifuge and an autoclave and then converted into biodiesel.
Students get the opportunity to compare pure vegetable oil to used oil (recycled oil at the college) by comparing fatty acids contents using titrations.

A variety of biodiesels (from soya, algae and used oils) are burned and energy contents are measured.  The Carnot cycle, heat engine, work done by an ideal gas going under Pressure-Volume change are covered during that time.
The project is concluded by visiting a biodiesel company producing no less than 65 million liters of biodiesel every year.


Example of a student work that summarizes his findings during the biodiesel project