Workshops & conferences

Here is a list of conferences & workshops I have attended or given over the years.
You can access documents by clicking on some of the workshops.

Le consentement sexuel:
sans oui, c'est non
January 2018 Collégial international Sainte-Anne A 1.5 hour workshop on sexual harassment.
Evaluation in education June 2017 Collégial international Sainte-Anne A 6 hour workshop
on how to evaluate team (group) work effectively.
Science teaching symposium August 2016 Collégial international Sainte-Anne Attended a one day (8 hour) symposium given by
''Association pour l'enseignement des sciences au Québec'' where I attended 4 different workshops
Visible Learning January 2016 Collégial international Sainte-Anne A 3 hour workshop on visible learning.
Science teaching symposium August 2015 Collégial international Sainte-Anne Attended a one day (8 hour) symposium given by
''Association pour l'enseignement des sciences au Québec'' where I attended 4 different workshops.
Classroom management October
Collégial international Sainte-Anne

In this one hour workshop, I introduced background theory and personal tricks to staff members struggling with classroom management at the college level.

High school science practicum supervisor certification October

Université du Québec à Montréal


A 15 hour certification dedicated to supervisors of practicum. Topics included: how to evaluate future teachers and what are the main problems faced by students, teachers, schools and supervisors during a practicum. Legal aspects covered.
Assessment & Evaluation August
Collégial international Sainte-Anne A two day workshop. Horizontal alignment covered: how objectives, lesson plans and evaluations should follow a logical, linear path.

Teaching and evaluating competencies at the college level

Sainte-Anne International College A two day workshop on competencies. Why teach with competencies? How to evaluate competencies?

Technology certification

(Weebly, epad, google docs, socrative, didacti and more)

Sainte-Anne International College Several 1 hour training sessions over a three-day period with our technology consultant to see the latest in technology & education.
Annual conference:
Teaching sciences & technologies in Québec
Qc. Canada
Annual conference held by the association for the advancement of science education in Québec.
A 3 day conference with hundreds of presenters.
IB program June
Colegio Americano de Torreon

In this 2 hour workshop, Derek Agosto came to our school to present the ideas, curriculums and organization of the IB program.

Literacy & Learning
ELL students
Colegio Americano de Torreon In this 5.5 hour workshop,  Dr. Virginia Rojas came to our school and presented strategies and tools to help English Learning Learners.
Tri-Association Annual Educators' Conference October
Colegio Americano de Monterrey A 3 day conference in Monterrey, Mexico where I attented nine workshops including: developing your school's AP program, retention and many conferences related to neuroeducation.
Advanced Placement
AP Calculus for experienced teachers
University of Texas at San Antonio A full week -5 days or 30 contact hours- to review and develop strategies for the AP Calculus AB program.
Developing your
school’s AP program
Colegio Americano de Torreon In this workshop given by the Colege Board in Torreon, ideas and inspiring thoughts were given to move forward our AP program at our school.  I summarized the key ideas here.

September 16th 2007
September 19th 2008

Caribbean International Academy

In this half day workshop, I demonstrated to new teachers at the school how to design and update their own personal webpage, so they could post daily homework online. (2 times 2 hour workshop)

See handout given to teachers on that day.

Creating a professional portfolio
Canadian International School of Egypt

In this 1 hour workshop, Vice-Principal Linda Crawford went through all the information necessary to start building or own professional portfolio. Useful handouts answering all our questions about
''What should be in a portfolio?'' were given out.

Cultural Diversity in Education
March 16
Canadian International School of Egypt

A motivational guess speaker from the American University in Cairo came to initiate a discussion about International Schools and the importance of cultural diversity in education.
A 3 hour workshop.

Reporting to Parents
Maple Leaf International School, Trinidad

In this workshop, the inspector from the Ministry of Education of Ontario briefed teachers on the poor quality of their comments used in report cards.
In a 3 hour workshop, teachers developed better comments that could describe levels of achievement, skills developed over the term and improvements necessary to achieve success.

Assessment & Evaluation
Maple Leaf International School, Trinidad

This workshop gave us the chance to develop our own rubrics, discuss the importance of ‘’KICA’’ and share ideas on how to evaluate students using levels. A wide variety of evaluation resources from teachers were put on a common CD and distributed. An excellent way to share resources!
This was a 3 hours workshop.

Hands on Mathematics
Maple Leaf International School, Trinidad

During the years where Ontario teachers were asked to take 15 compulsory credits of professional development over 5 years, our school invited a certified firm to train teachers on mathematics across the curriculum. Fun calculators, rubber bands, drawings and many more ideas were proposed to ensure that students can integrate the basic concepts of mathematics.
The following workshop was 15 hours delivered during a full week.
(5 X 3 hour sessions)

Student centered
learning approach
Sunway College, Malaysia

In March 2002, teachers had the opportunity to choose 2 workshops from a list of 10 subjects. In the student learning approach workshop, we’ve discussed how to directly involve students in their own learning through labs, activities, games and other activities. A 2 hour workshop.

English through the curriculum
Sunway College, Malaysia

In March 2002, teachers had the opportunity to choose 2 workshops from a list of 10 subjects. In this workshop, teachers shared ideas on how to help ESL students (which made 95% of our student population). Real examples were given to help my Biology students to improve & practice their English on a daily basis. A 2 hour workshop.