During the summer of 2016, we traveled to Iceland, Denmark and Sweden for 7 weeks.

We also did a home exchange in Aarhus, Denmark.

We drove approx. 5300km by car in all three countries.

Picture taken on top of Aaros museum, Aarhus Denmark.

continued from Iceland...
We landed in Copenhagen, Denmark, where a car was waiting for us.  This was our real first home exchange (the Danish family was now in our home in Montreal).
Just like in a reality TV show, we had to hunt & find the car key (and then the car) around the airport.  With a bunch of maps, hints and clear directions, the car was there!
We immediately left for Gotenburg, where we visited the castle where Shakespeare wrote the epic Hamlet story.  We traveled south of Denmark to visit the Mons Cliffs: an unusual amount of calcite accumulation and amazing landscapes.

We moved to Aarhus, where our home exchange was taking place.  The house was fantastic with a great backyard trampoline and friendly neighbours.  Danish people really love Danish pastries, so it quickly became part of our diet :) We visited Legoland (LEGO is from Denmark) and spent many days exploring Aarhus (the capital city of European culture in 2017).